Oct. 6, 2023

MMS Family:

To ensure a more efficient drop-off and pick-up procedure for our students and families, we will implement the following procedures starting on Tuesday, October 17th. 


  1. To drop off your student, you must enter the new south drive.

  2. Follow the loop around to the north side student drop-off sidewalk

  3. Turn left and follow the north drive to exit on NE 45th St. 



  1. To pick up your student at the end of the school day, you must enter the new south drive.

  2. Follow the loop around to the north side exit point A. 

  3. Students will be dismissed from the back of the school building.

  4. To exit, turn left and follow the north drive to exit on NE 45th St. 

We appreciate your patience and cooperation with our new procedures. Thank you!